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Find out what’s new with electric vehicles

Learn about the future of electric vehicles from two local experts at a seminar hosted by the Heartland Renewable Energy Society on Saturday, May 21.

Al Pugsley, an electric vehicle (EV) owner since 2006, and Kelly Gilbert, transportation director of the Metropolitan Energy Center, will speak.

Pugsley is an avid EV supporter and will share what he anticipates for the future of plug-in electric vehicles. Currently, he drives a Nissan Leaf and a Tesla Model S.  He also has a deposit on the Tesla Model 3. Pugsley belongs to the Mid-America Electric Auto Association and Plug-In America.  He will have his Tesla available in the parking lot for viewing.

Kelly Gilbert has been with Metropolitan Energy Center (MEC) since 2008 and is MEC transportation director and Clean Cities coordinator. She manages the local coalition and a collaborative partnership among four Clean Cities coalitions to remove barriers to alternative fuels. The Clean Cities coalition holds quarterly stakeholder meetings and events and provides technical assistance to business and government agencies.

Pugsley and Gilbert will speak at the free presentation at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 21 at the Shawnee Library, 13811 Johnson Drive, Shawnee, KS. For more information, visit Heartland Renewable Energy Society


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