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Apply for a Sierra Club education grant

Teachers can get help educating K-12 students on climate change with $1,000 grants awarded by the Kansas Chapter of the Sierra Club.

The deadline for the Sierra Club Environmental Grants for Kansas Primary and Secondary Educators is April 3.

Grant funding may be used to prepare special lessons and experiments, purchase classroom materials or attend conferences on the climate crisis. The Kansas environmental grant program is the first of its kind in the national Sierra Club. More than $18,000 in grants have been awarded to Kansas teachers in the past five years. The grants are intended to aide teachers in educating students about the nature of climate change and exploring solutions.

The Sierra Club will consider applications from teachers across the academic spectrum, from liberal arts and humanities to science and engineering. Teachers in minority and indigenous communities are encouraged to apply.

Awards will be announced in early May. Teachers do not need to be Sierra Club members to apply for a grant. For more information and to download an application, visit the Kansas Sierra Club.


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