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KC passes Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan

Kansas City set a roadmap for drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions with approval of a new Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan.

City leaders, city staff, professional consultants and the KC Climate Protection Steering Committee comprised of neighborhood, community and regional leaders developed the 133-page plan which was approved by the KC City Council on August 25.

“Climate action cannot wait, and I am proud, after years of work, Kansas City today took bold action to protect our children’s and our grandchildren’s futures,” said Mayor Quinton Lucas. “This plan is more than just a list of tactics to reduce greenhouse gas emissions — it will serve as a bedrock of community-based climate action prioritizing and elevating our historically marginalized communities, centering equity every step of the way. Thank you to the hundreds of community members who have contributed to this planning process.”

The plan calls for numerous climate measures to help the metro reach its’ greenhouse gas emission reduction goals of climate neutrality for city operations by 2030 and citywide by 2040. It addresses transportation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, local food, homes and buildings, natural systems, waste reduction and climate justice. It also recommends ways for the city to adapt to flooding, extreme heat and other climate change impacts the community is already facing.

“This is a great day for Kansas City, MO and the region,” said Kevin Grooms, chair of the Sierra Club Missouri Chapter. “This bold plan is the result of more than two years of community engagement and people-centered plan development, not to mention years of advocacy by residents and grassroots organizations calling for action to address the climate crisis. The plan commits Kansas City to being a leader in reducing harmful fossil fuel use while dismantling an unjust status quo that has caused the most vulnerable residents in our community to bear the brunt of these harmful burdens. All Kansas Citians, and those who work in city hall, should be proud. The community is behind the council and will continue to work with city leaders and our friends and neighbors to ensure that it is fully implemented to ensure better climate and environmental policies that will help all in our community thrive.”

See the complete plan at KCMO Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan.

Photo: Supporters of the Kansas City Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan packed the City Council meeting on August 25. Photo by Sierra Club Missouri Chapter

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