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COVID-19 Angst: How to build resilience

For anyone experiencing anxiety over the COVID-19 pandemic, here’s a free, daily, online program that offers coping strategies and resiliency tools.

During April, Sami Aaron, founder of The Resilient Activist, will offer a daily, COVID-19: Building Resilience program from 7 – 8 p.m. (CDT) using an interactive format to discuss and practice ways to reduce anxiety, stress, panic and grief.

“For many people, these emotional reactions show up in our physical bodies in the form of muscle tension, headaches, digestive problems and insomnia as we live in a perpetual state of fight, flight or freeze,” Aaron said.

Aaron will offer coping tools for the present moment, ways to decompress out in nature and a guided meditation. Using the concepts from The Resilient Activist’s Five Essentials for a Resilient World, participants will explore ways to build a personal resilience plan to help provide a sense of calm and focus as new challenges arise.

To participate, join the group by registering at COVID-19 Angst: Building Resilience.

Register Here

Photo:  Scott 97006 / CC

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