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Discover the secrets of growing fruit

Learn all about fruit trees, how to care for them and how they provide food security to communities at this OrchardKeeper course.

Bridging the Gap’s Heartland Tree Alliance and the Giving Grove are partnering on this three-day class that delves into tree care and biology, soil and basic fruit biology, site suitability, species selection, proper planting techniques, common insects and diseases, pest control methods, fruit management and pruning.

The course includes six hours of classroom learning and three hours of fruit tree pruning. The classroom training is from 9 a.m. – noon on February 19 and 20 and at Jacob L. Loose Park Garden Center, 5200 Wornall, Kansas City, MO. The hands-on pruning field day will be held from 10 a.m. – noon on Thursday, February 21 at The Giving Grove orchard, 3820 Park Ave., Kansas City, MO. OrchardKeepers are asked to donate eight hours of volunteer time to The Giving Grove to help care for its 100-plus orchards. The workshop fee is $50.

For more information and registration, go to Heartland Tree Alliance.

Photo: Don Harder / CC

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