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Get help with energy costs

EnergyWorks KC has negotiated financing incentive opportunities for home and business owners interested in making energy upgrades. Proposed features include: rebates to reduce the cost of an analysis; a free home energy analysis for qualified low-income households; loan loss reserve fund, which offers reduced loan qualifying criteria; interest rate subsidy – 0 percent for one year; and a revolving loan fund with super low interest rates. For more information, contact EnergyWorks KC at 816-531-SAVE or
EnergyWorks KC offers five suggestions to immediately lower your home energy costs:

 1.     Lower the temperature of your water heater to 120 degrees. If it was previously set at 140 degrees, you can save 14 percent of the energy used.

2.     Plug your TV, stereo, computer and gaming systems into a power strip that you can turn on and off. Avoid wasting power when you’re not using the appliance.

3.     Swap conventional light bulbs with compact fluorescents. These use up to 75 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last up to six times longer.

4.     When you leave the house for long periods of time or go to sleep, set the thermostat a few degrees cooler if it’s winter, hotter if it’s summer. Better yet, install a programmable thermostat.

5.     Move furniture and curtains away from vents. Maintaining airflow improves your heating and cooling systems.

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