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Get the RideKC app to plan & pay for bus

Riding the bus is about to get easier with the new, free RideKC app that lets passengers pay their fare, plan a trip and track a bus or streetcar on a smartphone.

With the new app, customers can use a credit card to purchase fares instead of using exact change. Riders will no longer need to keep track of paper tickets, passes, transfers or change cards, which were issued in lieu of change when a rider didn’t have exact change and over paid the fare.

“The early response to this app has been tremendous,” said Robbie Makinen, president and CEO of the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA). “Many people tell us this technology will allow them to ride transit more easily. This will provide a great benefit for visitors, people who ride every once in a while, as well as frequent riders.”

The new app is available for Apple and Android smartphones, and accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover. The app can be used on any RideKC fixed route in the Kansas City area, including Johnson County, Wyandotte County and Independence buses.

With the new app, customers can instantly purchase a single ride or a 31-day pass. The mobile payment is expected to make boarding the bus quicker because riders will just show their phone to the driver instead of inserting the correct change.

The app also includes two of the most popular features of the website: planning a trip on transit and tracking a bus or streetcar. 

To plan a trip on any RideKC bus or streetcar, customers enter a street address or location name for a beginning and ending destination and select “Go.” App users can also select points on the in-app map to use as a start or destination for a trip. The app will provide the best matches for the trip.

To track a RideKC bus and KC Streetcar, customers can use the “Where’s My Ride?” feature. Enter the route name or number, or select any of the nearby stop icons for routes with upcoming arrivals. Real-time tracking is not currently available for Johnson County, Wyandotte County or Independence buses.

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