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Green businesses and services.

Discover one-stop shopping for greener living.

Babies & Children has a wide selection of cloth diapers, including organic diapers, swim diapers and accessories.

Natural Baby Company

The Natural Baby Company offers all-natural baby products, including cloth diapers, pacifiers, carriers, wraps, feeding products and toys.

Climate Change

Climate Council of Greater Kansas City

Climate Council of Greater KC works toward a world of just, sustainable communities, living in harmony with the earth’s natural systems.

Environmental Resources

Bridging The Gap’s Green Business Network

Phone: 816-561-1087

Bridging The Gap’s Green Business Network educates businesses on ways to operate that protect natural resources and save money.

Financial Services

First Affirmative Financial Network

Phone: 913-432-4958

First Affirmative Financial Network is a management service for investors interested in socially and environmentally responsible funds.

Green Jobs

Greenability Job Network

The Greenability Job Network offers a free, online search service for job seekers, and a targeted, affordable place for companies to post jobs.

Hair & Skin Care

Love Goodly

Love Goodly lets customers sample eco-friendly, natural, vegan, beauty, skincare and wellness products in a monthly subscription service.

Household Goods


ECOlunchbox offers reusable lunch boxes, snack containers and more to transform lunch and snacking into a plastic-free and waste-free activity.

Lawn & Garden

Deep Roots

Phone: 816-301-7545

Deep Roots is committed to collaborative, regenerative relationships between native plant landscapes and heartland communities.

Missouri Organic

7700 E. 40 Hwy.
Kansas City, MO 64129
Phone: 816-483-0908

Missouri Organic Recycling in Kansas City manufactures premium top soil blends, compost, mulch, and more from recycled organic waste materials. Discover products and drop-off services at five metro locations.

Powell Gardens

Kansas City’s Botanical Garden
1609 NW US HWy. 50
Kingsville, MO
Phone: 816-697-2600

Explore acres of beautiful gardens, including the Heartland Harvest Garden — the nation’s largest edible landscape. Enjoy events/classes for all ages.

Litter Removal

Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Service of America

Phone: 800-540-8694
Contact: [email protected]

Sponsor-A-Highway and receive promotional signage. We take away trash, you take all the recognition. Be Seen as we Clean.


Buy Back World

Keep reusable electronics out of the landfill by selling your cell phone, tablet, laptops, desktops, cameras and gaming console.

MARC Solid Waste Management

600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO
Phone: 816-474-8326
Contact: Matt Riggs, Outreach Coordinator is the Kansas City metro area’s one-stop spot for recycling, reuse and waste reduction information.


The Resilient Activist

The Resilient Activist offers community-building & stress-relief programming because the world needs visionary activists with the resilience to see us through the climate crisis.



Phone: 816-612-1132

Re.Use.Full encourages simple, sustainable living by connecting donors with gently used items to the people, pets and nonprofits that need them.

Solar-Powered Products

GoSun Stove

Cook a sun-powered, fuel-free meal in 20 minutes, reaching temperatures over 550°F even under cloudy skies with GoSun Sport Stove.


Kansas City Area Transportation Authority

1200 E. 18th
Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: 816-346-0200

Call 816-221-0660 or visit or for regional bus route service provided by The Metro (KCATA), The JO (Johnson County Transit), Unified Government Transit (Wyandotte County, KS) and IndeBus (Independence, MO).


Phone: 816-842-RIDE(7433)
Contact: [email protected]

Find easy alternatives to driving alone with RideshareKC. You’ll save money, de-stress your commute and help improve our air quality.