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Green events

Upcoming events in Kansas City and surrounding areas.

Latest Past Events

23rd Annual Eagle Days

Mr. & Mrs. F. L. Schlagle Library 4051 West Dr., Kansas City

The 22nd Annual Eagle Days is a free, family-friendly event at Wyandotte County Lake and the Mrs. & Mrs. FL Schlagle Library featuring live birds of prey, including a bald eagle, crafts for kids, birdwatching on the lake, binocular checkout, activity stations on the trail, and more. Operation Wildlife will be offering three 15-minute talks […]


Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act

Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center 4750 Troost Ave., Kansas City

The Wilderness Act was signed into law on September 3, 1964, setting aside 54 designated areas in the United States to remain “forever wild.” Today, that number has increased to 806, comprising more than 111 million acres. Join the Sierra Club and the Missouri Department of Conservation, along with special guests from the U.S. Forest […]


Green Mass – Annual Prayer for Creation

A "Mass for Creation" is a liturgical worship service held annually that brings to light the responsibility to care for the earth, care for creatures, care for water and care for each other. Green Mass in Kansas City will be held for its 7th year on Sunday, September 29. This year it is held at […]