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Join MARC’s new online community engagement panel

Greater Kansas City residents now have a new way to become engaged in regional issues. Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) invites area residents to join its new online community engagement panel, Community Pulse, at MARC has contracted with an independent market research firm to develop a 1,000-member online panel of area residents who will participate in surveys, quick polls and discussions about specific regional issues.

The data provided through the online community panel will allow regional leaders to better understand public perceptions and priorities about a broad range of topics, beginning with solar energy and transportation issues. Community Pulse will enhance the feedback already received at public meetings and will provide a new conduit for public opinion.

Anyone can learn more and request to join the Community Pulse panel by visiting Those interested in joining the panel will be asked to complete a profile questionnaire to ensure a demographic balance of panelists from across the region and allow MARC to target future surveys and polls to particular audiences.

“We’re looking forward to using Community Pulse as a means to gather more substantive data on people’s opinions and preferences around energy use, transportation issues and other regional priorities,” said Georgia Nesselrode, program director of local government services.

This type of technology-based market research was developed to help the private sector better understand consumer attitudes and preferences. Community Pulse will adapt the platform for use in public decision-making and community engagement. The panel will foster three-way engagement — from MARC to community members; from community members to MARC; and between community members. MARC plans to expand the use of the online panel to support community outreach efforts for other regional programs, local governments and civic organizations in the future.

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