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Lawrence OnBoard in running for a TEDx Stage Presentation

Jenny O’Brien and her roadside ride-sharing project, Lawrence OnBoard, is one of eight semi-finalists for the “TEDx Fulbright Social Innovation Challenge.” Lawrence OnBoard is developing a system to make hitchhiking a safe, easy and reliable option for ridesharing in small cities and rural areas.

Four finalists will be selected to travel to Washington DC and pitch their project on the TEDx stage. The winner will get support from the Fulbright community and possibly be featured on the A&E Network’s show Project Startup.

Online voting and kick-off fundraising on the RocketHub crowdfunding platform has started and the most funded project automatically moves up to the finals.  You can make a contribution to the campaign at
If you’re not able to contribute financially, you can still vote at TEDx-Fulbright Association – Vote Contest. Voting ends 10:59 p.m., March 30.

Lawrence OnBoard was featured in the March/ April 2014 issue of Greenability. Learn more about this project by subscribing to Greenability Magazine. All subscriptions include digital access to current and selected archived issues.

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