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Market to eco-conscious target audience

As your company or organization plans its’ marketing strategies for 2022, look to Greenability for options to reach a targeted environmentally conscious audience.

Each year, Greenability promotes more sustainability events, services and products than any other local news media, reaching an online audience of 15,000 Greenability Weekly subscribers. Eco-friendly products and services help readers live more sustainably with local and organic food, energy-efficient products, renewable energy, recycling, sustainable investing, composting, native plant gardening ideas and more. Readers also learn about environmental conferences, speakers and events ranging from Earth Day fairs to solar home tours and native plant workshops.

Greenability offers advertising options for events, products, services and employment opportunities. Every ad is linked directly to the advertiser’s website or promotional web page.

Advertise in Greenability Weekly & Greenability website

To reach environmentally conscious readers with your company or organization’s promotion, consider targeted and timely advertising in Greenability Weekly and on the Greenability website. For a rate card, sample Greenability Weekly and several cost-effective advertising options, contact Julie Koppen, publisher, at [email protected]To start receiving Greenability Weekly, sign up for a free subscription.

Get in the Greenability Marketplace directory

Greenability Marketplace offers a 24/7 connection to your website and contact information for readers looking for specific services. Listings include a brief description, your logo, contact information and a link to your website. Marketplace logos with links also rotate on every Greenability website page above “Explore the Marketplace.” If your company or organization has green products or services that you would like to promote in the Greenability Marketplace, contact  [email protected]. Marketplace listings are free for non-profit organizations.

Post jobs to Greenability Job Network

Advertise your open job positions on the Greenability Job Network, and reach potential job prospects interested in businesses and organizations that support environmental sustainability. It’s an easy, online listing process.

Photo: ODT/ CC

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