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Nominate a Sustainable Success Story

Sustainable Success Stories is part of an ongoing community dialogue focused on building a better understanding of projects and practices that can transform our community through quality placemaking.

In recent years, the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) has called for stories that exemplify great work throughout the region. The 2014 Call for Projects asks organizations to submit projects that focus on sustainable development in the Greater Kansas City region. Projects will be selected based on how well they advance the three pillars of sustainability — social equity, economic vitality and environmental stewardship. Projects must be submitted by 4 p.m., Monday, Sept. 22.

Some of our success stories from previous years include Benton Community Garden, Cafeteria Waste, Diversion Project, Prairie Village, Geothermal Project, MindDrive, Lenexa Rain to Recreation Program and Mission Solid Waste Program.

By sharing local successes and challenges, we can teach community partners how to replicate high-impact practices with the long-term goal of improving the community’s quality of life. MARC and its partners will select outstanding projects for presentation at a Sustainable Success Stories workshop on Friday, Dec. 5, 2014.

Click here to submit your project.

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