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Nominate your green neighborhood

Is your Kansas City neighborhood working to be more sustainable with recycling, energy efficiency, co-op gardening or vacant lot repurposing projects?

The city of Kansas City, MO is calling for nominations for its KC Green Neighborhood Recognition Program. As part of the city’s KC Green initiative, this program recognizes neighborhoods that have broadly implemented sustainable practices.

Neighborhoods selected for recognition receive neighborhood signage, acknowledgment in city publications and on cable channel KCCG-TV2, and access to sustainability workshops on rain barrel design and construction, home energy efficiency, tree selection and planting, and rain gardens. Winners also receive eco-gifts like rain barrels, recycle bins, reusable grocery bags, an electric lawn mower and garden tools.

Previous winners include: Manheim, Westside Housing, Marlborough, Ivanhoe, Avalon View, Pendleton Heights and Center City neighborhoods. Their green practices included home energy efficiency improvements, farmers markets and home farm stands, rain gardens, litter pickup programs, curbside glass recycling and compost pickup, community gardens, urban orchards, and vacant lots repurposed for edible landscapes, play areas and community gathering places.

Applications are due June 17. Find more information on the KC Green Neighborhood Recognition Program, or email [email protected] or call Colleen Doctorian at 816-513-1377. Winners are honored at platinum, gold or silver levels and will be announced in the fall.

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