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The city of Kansas City, MO has been working for months on a new KC Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan, and now it’s time to share your comments.

The planning process included community workshops and several opportunities for public input for a plan that sets climate protection goals through 2040. The draft version is open for public comment until Tuesday, April 12.

The plan considers the climate ramifications of decisions and policies that affect mobility, energy supply, natural systems, homes and buildings, food and waste materials. The plan calls for a carbon-neutral, equity-focused and resilient Kansas City by 2040. It also includes plans for adapting to flooding, extreme heat and other climate change impacts that are already occurring. It builds on the 2021 metro-wide KC Regional Climate Action Plan.

Some of the highlights include:

  • Transportation systems that reduce vehicle emissions
  • Increasing the capacity and use of renewable energy
  • Using natural systems to manage stormwater runoff
  • Increasing building efficiency for commercial, public and residential buildings
  • Increasing local food production and sustainable food access
  • Diverting waste from the landfill and supporting composting of organic waste
  • Expanding the reuse and repair economy to reduce waste

To preview the draft KC Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan and comment, go to KCMO Playbook.

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