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Taste new, native Paw Paw fruit tree beer

Boulevard Brewing Co. has teamed up with The Giving Grove to release a new beer using a Paw Paw tree native fruit.

Paw Paw’s Got a Brand New Bag is a Belgian-style, golden sour ale using Paw Paw fruit obtained in collaboration with The Giving Grove, a non-profit that supports the planting of community orchards.

Paw Paw Tree

Since 2013, The Giving Grove has planted 2,597 fruit trees at 154 sites. These edible orchards have the potential for 328 tons of annual fruit harvest. Orchards are primarily planted in neighborhoods, parks, vacant lots, schools, faith communities, health facilities and senior centers to achieve greater food security in areas that do not have easy access to fresh, local fruit.

Paw Paw’s Got a Brand New Bag beer is now available in 750ml bottles for $25 each in the Boulevard Brewing Co. Gift Shop, 2534 Madison Ave., Kansas City, MO. The Giving Grove receives $1 from each bottle sale.

Photo: Red Mud Ball / CC

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