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Train to be an environmental leader

The Climate + Energy Project (CEP) is offering grants to train environmental leaders in three-day Kansas Leadership Center training programs throughout 2016.

As a recipient of the Kansas Leadership Transformation Grant, CEP was awarded $10,000 to help fund training of future environmental leaders. The grant covers the full $300 registration fee for the training and some meals. The leadership training sessions are held during three-day sessions each month from February to November at the Kansas Leadership Center, 325 East Douglas Ave., Wichita, KS.

“We really see this Leadership Transformation Grant as a great opportunity to increase the capacity for environmental leadership in Kansas and strengthen environmental networks across the state,” said Rachel Myslivy, CEP program director.


The Kansas Leadership Center is located in Wichita, KS.

The You. Lead. Now. training is designed for those at every level who are interested in improving their effectiveness to make progress on difficult issues in the community. It will include skills needed to create change within an organization, intervene effectively to help a team make progress, and discover opportunities to make a difference.

Applicants should send an email to Myslivy at [email protected] by January 30 answering the following questions:

  • What do you like about the Climate + Energy Project?
  • Why are you interested in the leadership training?
  • What do you see as the biggest environmental challenge/opportunity in Kansas?

For more information on the training, visit the Kansas Leadership Center. For information on the Climate + Energy Project, visit

Photos by Jeff Tuttle, courtesy of the Kansas Leadership Center

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