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Americans find common ground on environmental issues

A new, national survey shows that despite increasing political and social divisions, Americans find common ground on environmental issues.

The Eco Pulse survey found a majority of Americans believe we deserve a clean planet, climate change is occurring, and everyone has a responsibility to take concrete steps to reduce their environmental impact.

“Despite all of the fighting, anger and frustration in the United States today, Americans can find common ground when it comes to the environment,” said Suzanne Shelton, president and CEO of Shelton Group, the marketing agency that conducted the survey. “We all want the same thing — a cleaner planet – and we agree that we must do our part to make that happen.”

The national survey, which polled 2,000 Americans in September and October, found:

  • 88 percent agreed the average person should be taking concrete steps to reduce his or her environmental impact.
  • 78 percent said they feel at least moderately responsible to change daily purchase habits and practices to positively impact the environment.
  • 76 percent of Americans agreed: “People have a right to clean air and water.”
  • 70 percent agreed: “We have a moral duty to leave the earth in as good or better shape than we found it.”
  • 65 percent agreed that climate change is occurring, and it is primarily caused by human activity.

“Sustainability is becoming a much stronger part of how Americans identify themselves. It’s clear that consumers want to be on the right side of this issue – and they expect the companies they buy from to be as well,” Shelton said. “This presents significant opportunities for companies doing things the right way – and a threat to those that aren’t.”

The Shelton Group conducted the survey to assist clients in communicating their corporate environmental efforts. The agency focuses on energy and the environment. A copy of the report can be downloaded at Eco Pulse.

Photo: Berkeley Lab / CC

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