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City of Kansas City, MO wins Green Fleet Award

The City of Kansas City, MO ranked first in the country for its green government fleet in the North American Green Fleet Awards Forum in Sacramento, California.

The city’s fleet includes 271 vehicles that operate on compressed natural gas, 46 electric vehicles, 12 hybrids, six liquefied petroleum gas vehicles, and six industrial tricycles in addition to traditional diesel and unleaded gas vehicles.

Fleet Services, a division of the General Services Department, has long been a leader in the use of alternative fuels, and has been ranked in the top 50 fleets in North America the last several years. The first place designation is the result of foresight, collaboration, and successful economic planning to meet the challenges of operating a diverse fleet of more than 3,300 vehicles.

“This award is humbling, especially when I look at fleets we were up against, like New York, Chicago and Phoenix which are all doing great things to be sustainable. We have been moving in the right direction for some time, and my hat is off to my team and our partners in the operating departments who see the enormous benefits of alternative fuels. It’s a great honor to work with such good people,” said Fleet Services Manager Samuel Swearngin.

Kansas City, Missouri’s General Services Department comprises eight divisions, all dedicated to supporting the effective operations of other City departments. For more information, contact Pat Gallagher.

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