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Discover a Festival of Butterflies

Experience the world of a pollinator at the annual Festival of Butterflies at Powell Gardens.

Visitors can walk among hundreds of butterflies and a jungle of nectar and host plants in the Martha Jane Phillips Starr Butterfly Conservatory during the exhibit which is open during regular garden hours through Sunday, August 12.

A new, permanent sculpture designed to highlight the importance of pollinators has been installed in the Heartland Harvest Garden. Kansas City-based artists Sally Gates McEntyre and Tyler Burns fabricated and installed the interactive sculpture modeled after electron microscope images of enlarged pollen grains. The permanent sculpture is designed to allow visitors to Powell Gardens, the opportunity to experience the world from the perspective of a pollinator.

Weekend programming includes hands-on activities, butterfly talks with Powell Gardens’ horticultural staff members and educational programs by community partners such as Monarch Watch, the Idalia Society and the Johnson County/K-State Research and Extension Master Gardeners.

Powell Gardens is located at 1609 N.W. U.S. Highway 50, Kingsville, MO. For more information on the festival and event fees, visit Powell Gardens or call 816-697-2600.

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6 years ago

This festival of butterflies looks like so much fun!