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Explore native and edible gardens on Johnson County tour

Visitors to the Johnson County Garden Tour will get a peek inside six private gardens that feature native and edible plants, beehives, garden retreats and art, drought-resistant plants and pet-friendly features. The two-day tour is Friday, May 20 and Saturday May 21.

The Johnson County K-State Research and Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs) host the biennial tour. All of the gardens are owned and maintained by Master Gardeners who will be available for visitors’ questions.

Each garden reflects the gardener’s passion. They range in style from a wildlife habitat, to a pool surrounded by extensive plantings, to a suburban farm garden that produces fruits, vegetables and homemade honey from beehives on the property. All of the gardens are located in Overland Park and Lenexa, KS.

The featured gardens are:

Sinclair Garden: Naturally Native 3311 W. 98th St., LeawoodTerri Sinclair

If you’re looking for the garden that requires little watering, comes back every year and needs minimal tending, then this garden offers plenty of ideas. Native plants, beehives, a pond and creek create this natural backyard habitat that attracts pollinators and butterflies. The home was originally a farmstead that was spared from destruction. Garden art, including hypertufa, fairy houses, garden wheels and concrete garden leaves, will be on sale at this garden.

Ruse Garden: Sweeps, Spaces and Specimens 11439 W. 104th St, Overland Park

See how this garden owner has successfully designed a beautiful retreat. Learn how selecting plants with multi-season interest provides the best value, and how key design elements like visual simplicity, color repetition and carefully planned spacing creates an aesthetically pleasing landscape.

Elpers Garden: Artistic Oasis 10418 W. 126th St., Overland Park

Water and fire are signature features in this garden retreat. Several outdoor rooms cater to Zen, reading, lounging and parties. This garden seamlessly blends different artistic styles into one cohesive design. A national hosta expert will be available to discuss the shade-loving plants. Hostas will be for sale at this location.

Thomas Garden: One Tasty Yard 7640 Eby Lane, Overland Park

This large garden boasts a bountiful harvest of edibles, including berries, herbs, apples, tomatoes and lots of vegetables. Learn how this gardener transformed her suburban landscape into a place where healthy food is grown and shared.

Duma Garden: Amazingly Creative 9503 Chestnut St., Lenexa

Designed to be pet friendly, this garden has a natural, casual feel, incorporating pet features as well as repurposed treasures from the old family farm. Visitors will see an old-time pig feeder, milk can, hay pulley and a retaining wall constructed from limestone that was formerly the 100-year-old barn foundation.

Vierthaler Garden: Barren to Beautiful 20810 W. 100th St., Lenexa

If your yard has hard clay and rocks, visit this garden for ideas on transforming a barren “empty slate” into a tranquil sanctuary, complete with plants that thrive in both sun and shade. The secret here is countless loads of compost and hard work to create a garden that especially focuses on plants that attract butterflies and birds.

The garden tour will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21, rain or shine. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased at Johnson County Hen House locations or online at K-State Research and Extension.

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