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Get free copies of Greenability magazine

With Greenability’s big leap in 2015 from paper to all digital issues, we now have extra archive issues we would like to donate to non-profit organizations.

Back issues feature stories on organic farmers, solar energy, recycling, native gardening, net-zero energy homes, energy efficiency ideas, water and air quality, eco-friendly investing, farm tours, community supported agriculture, Earth Day, green businesses, repurposing, bicycling, edible gardening, electric cars and preserving the prairie. To see the most recent archive issues, go to

Schools, churches, environmental groups or other non-profits can now request free issues for educational purposes, promotion, reception areas, repurposing or craft projects. If your organization was featured in a story, you can request that specific issue if it is still available. There is no limit on the number of copies each organization can request.

The boxes will be free to pick up from the Greenability office, 1600 Olive St., Kansas City, MO. A fee will be added for all deliveries.

Back issues are also available for businesses for $100 per box of 100 copies.

Please request magazines at least five days before you would like to pick them up by contacting Tina Moessner, operations manager, at [email protected].


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Diane Capps
9 years ago

Magazines (and books) can be donated to the Heartland Book Bank, 1425 Oak-Room 160 KC MO
472-5600 Hours: 10:00 – 2:30
Joann’s cell: 808-2340
[email protected]