Imagine a world without watermelon, apple pie, coffee or even chocolate. This is a world without bees. Colony Collapse Disorder is a phenomenon happening across the United States and in other countries where honeybees are disappearing at an alarming rate. For our May/ June issue, we feature 11 ways to save the bees.
To inspire and remind us of how the bees need our help, we compiled our favorite honey recipes for healing.
Honey Cough Syrup & Honey Lemon Coughsicles Scratchy throat? Honey may be able to help. Honey has been shown to have similar affect as some over-the-counter cough medicine, according the Penn State College of Medicine.
- Honey ginger and honey cinnamon infusions Calm your throat, relieve sinuses or fight off a cold by adding a honey infusion to a hot tea. Ingredients like ginger and cinnamon are packed with antioxidants to help our bodies fight off the common cold.
- Skin and hair moisturizers Honey is moisturizing! For those dry weeks when you have washed your hands too many times or your skin (or scalp) feels dry, combine honey with olive oil and other ingredients to bring moisture and softness to your skin and hair.
- Moisturizing face wash Sometimes the most calming thing we can do is get a facial. Relieve stress and moisturize your face with this recipe for a honey facial.