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Kansas 13th, Missouri 25th in nation in energy use

Usually high rankings associated with Kansas and Missouri refer to winning collegiate basketball or football teams.

A new website by the Lexington Institute,, uses data from the United States Energy Information Administration to rank states in terms of energy use. They also grade states on an “A” through “F” system on renewable energy development.

Missouri uses the 25th highest amount of energy per person nationwide, according to, with 322 million Btu used annually per capita; Kansas ranks 13th, with 408 million Btu used annually per capita. Rhode Island (ranked 50th) uses the least energy per capita while Wyoming (ranked 1st) uses the most.

The analyses takes into account energy consumed for both electricity and transportation and reflects 2010 data. It incorporates data from residential, commercial (including government), industrial and transportation sectors. also features a list of how much energy (in Btu) the average appliance uses. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and EnergyWorks KC offer tips for increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption.

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