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KC Current to launch reusable drinkware at new stadium

All stadium drinkware will be reusable or recyclable as part of the club’s zero waste practices

The Kansas City Current soccer club is launching a bold initiative to avoid single-use drinkware at its new stadium. It will be partnering with Bold Reuse to make all drinkware reusable or recyclable.

This partnership represents the first implementation of reusables at a major venue within Kansas City, as well as the first enactment in a newly launched stadium, establishing a new benchmark for sustainability in modern venues.

All poured and fountain drinks across the stadium will be served in a reusable cup. Guests will be asked to return those cups to a cup return bin where they will be inspected for quality, sanitized, and repacked for future games.

Fans can help the stadium practice zero waste by returning reusable cups, recycling aluminum bottles and cans, and placing everything else in the compost collection bins. No single-use plastic bottles or cups will be served in CPKC Stadium, including water which will be available in aluminum cans. All aluminum from beer, alcohol, and water cans will have dedicated return bins for recycling.

“Each year, the 400+ stadiums across the United States will dispose of 2.16 billion single use plastic cups. We are thrilled that none of them will come from CPKC Stadium.” said Scott Jenkins, VP of Facility Development of the Kansas City Current. “This partnership reflects our dedication to sustainability and represents a significant step forward in reducing single-use waste in sports venues.”

In comparison to recycling and compostable packaging, reusable packaging proves to be the most sustainable option environmentally, economically, and socially. Based on research by Upstream Solutions, implementing reusable packaging beats single-use across the board concerning water, land, and energy use, carbon emissions, and more. 

“Our team is thrilled to partner with the KC Current and the Riverfront Collective in our joint vision to end single-use waste. Their team has been incredibly bold with their efforts to make a truly zero waste stadium from the opening day” said CRO and Co-Founder of Bold Reuse, Heather Watkins. “We can’t wait to see the impact along with them, and see the reusable movement grow within the region.”

Kansas City Current will kick off its new season in the new stadium on March 16.

For more information about the Bold Reuse program, visit

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Kathy D
Kathy D
6 months ago

This is awesome! I hope it is successful and catches on everywhere. STL City SC is half-way there with their compost bins and aluminum cups, but reusable would be SO much better!

Ron McLinden
Ron McLinden
4 months ago

Great! Even better if reusable drink containers are TRANSPARENT so users can see that they actually are free of contaminants that your sanitizing process might SANITIZE but not completely REMOVE. Yeah, maybe it’s largely an aesthetic issue.