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Leaders speak out for environment

Over the past eight years, Greenability magazine has featured the environmental thoughts, dreams and visions of local, regional and national thinkers. Here are some of the highlights of these Commentary column writers. We’ve included their titles and photos used when they wrote their commentaries.


McCaskill“It’s time to direct federal resources toward creating a sustainable world in a way that works with our lives and economy.”
U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill
November 2007



Joslin“Sustainability cannot be discussed without first taking into account the stock of buildings that already exists. We cannot build ourselves into a sustainable future.”
Janine Joslin
Executive director, Kansas Preservation Alliance
November 2007


Berkebile“Our vision is a model green community, setting new standards for the quality of all life and creating a regenerative community that operates on solar energy and a local living economy. In our community, every decision would increase the vitality of the social, economic and environmental systems.”
Bob Berkebile
Founding Principal, BNIM
March 2008

SebeliusAs America seeks to secure energy independence, Kansas should lead the way, capitalizing on wind power, our most abundant natural resource.“
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius
May 2008




“Sustainability means decisions and actions that promote the use of our limited natural, financial and human resources in a balanced and responsible manner that meets existing needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Dennis Murphey
Chief environmental officer, city of Kansas City, MO
July 2008

Crosy“Protecting the environment creates a deep public sense of the importance to all of us of a notion of the commons — the space from which we all benefit, whether it’s the air, water or climate.”
Crosby Kemper
Chief Executive, Kansas City (MO) Public Library
September 2008

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