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Missouri and Kansas ranked in top 10 states needing energy efficiency improvements

Missouri and Kansas ranked as two of the worst 10 states in the area of energy efficiency according to a State Energy Efficiency Scorecard report released today by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

The ACEEE ranking includes all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The top 10 states in most need of energy efficiency efforts are (starting with most in-need): Mississippi, North Dakota, West Virginia, Wyoming, South Dakota, Alaska, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana and Nebraska. The top 10 most energy efficient states are (starting with most efficient): Massachusetts, California, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Washington, Maryland and Minnesota.

“This report is a good news/bad news situation,” said Roger Kroh, Mid-America Regional Council’s Energy Conservation project manager. “While Missourians would obviously prefer to be ranked among the top 10, there have never been more opportunities available to make energy efficiency improvements in homes or businesses. MARC’s can get people pointed in the right direction to get professional energy assessments or find energy-savvy contractors, and the city of Kansas City, Missouri’s, EnergyWorks KC program ( offers financing and financial incentives for energy-efficiency improvements that reach a 15 percent energy reduction. This report might be just the thing to show the Show-Me state what needs to be done. ”

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy ( works to advance energy efficiency policies, programs, technologies, investments and behaviors.

The complete report is available at

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