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President directs federal government to use 20 percent renewables

In the latest step under his Climate Action Plan, President Obama directed the federal government to consume 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 – more than double the current level.  Meeting this renewable energy goal will reduce pollution in our communities, promote American energy independence, and support homegrown energy produced by American workers.

In 2009, the President directed the federal government to become a leader in clean energy and energy efficiency when he signed Executive Order 13514 on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, setting aggressive targets for Federal agencies for reducing energy use, carbon pollution and waste in their operations, and saving taxpayer dollars as a result. At the President’s direction, the Federal Government already has:

  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions by more than 15 percent from FY 2008 levels – the equivalent of permanently taking 1.5 million cars off the road.
  • Reduced energy use per square foot in Federal buildings by more than 9 percent since FY 2008, curbing pollution and reducing utility bills.
  • Consumed more than 7 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind in FY2013, exceeding statutory requirements and promoting homegrown energy industries.

To outline new actions to continue their progress on the President’s energy and sustainability goals, federal agencies released their fourth annual Sustainability Plans, available at

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