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Sierra Club announces 2014-15 Kansas education grants

The Sierra Club’s Kansas Chapter awarded Environmental Grants for Kansas Primary and Secondary Educators who are teaching students about climate change and exploring solutions.

This year’s grant recipients are Candace Stewart of Frontier Trail Middle School, Doug Moles at Shawnee Mission West High School and Kristan Langton of Mill Creek Middle School.

“We’re very excited to get this,” Candace Stewart said. “The money is going to be used toward funding our testing kits so we can go to nearby creeks and test the water quality and compare that with what our water quality has been over the years and how the climate has changed and see if there’s any correlation between the two.”

Kristan Langton is also engaged in water testing. She plans to lead her sixth classes in studying the water in the creek behind their school. Chemistry teacher Doug Moles sponsors the Environmental Club at Shawnee Mission West High School. He’s undertaken a multi-year project in sustainable agriculture and hopes to grow fruits and vegetables that can be served in the school cafeteria.

“We’re going to put a high tunnel in the courtyard of our school and start teaching the kids about sustainable agriculture using our high tunnel to grow year-round vegetables and other produce,” said Moles.

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