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Climate education grants help teachers

Kansas teachers are eligible for Sierra Club grants designed to help educate students on climate change. Grants range from $250 – $1,000.

Grants may be used to attend conferences, prepare special lessons and experiments, and purchase materials for lessons and projects that address the climate crisis. Licensed K-12 teachers in accredited Kansas schools in any field of study may apply. The deadline for applications is April 1, 2016.

The Kansas Chapter started the Sierra Club Environmental Grants for Kansas Primary and Secondary Educators program four years ago. This is the first program of its kind in the national Sierra Club. More than $12,000 in grants has been awarded to Kansas teachers since the program’s inception. These grants are intended to enhance teachers’ abilities to educate students on the nature of climate change and explore solutions to the challenges it poses.

Awards will be announced in early May. Grant recipients will present their projects at a general meeting of one of the Kansas Sierra Club Groups during the 2016-17 academic year. Sierra Club general meetings are open to the general public. Teachers do not need to be Sierra Club members to apply for a grant.

To download an application, visit the Kansas Chapter at

Top photo: By Jason Bachman // CC BY

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