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Take the bus for free on Election Day

Get a free ride to the polls on Election Day, November 6 on RideKC bus routes throughout the Kansas City metropolitan area. All RideKC routes will offer free fares all day to make it easier for citizens to vote.

“Exercising the right to vote is so important that we want to make it as easy as possible to get to the polls,” said Robbie Makinen, KCATA President and CEO.

On Election Day, fares on all RideKC bus routes serving Kansas City, Johnson County, Wyandotte County and Independence will be free. KCATA, Johnson County and Independence paratransit will also be free to ride.

To find your polling place and check your voter status, Kansas City residents in Jackson County can check through the Kansas City Election Board. For other locations in Missouri, start with the Secretary of State.

In Kansas, Johnson County voters can access resources at Johnson County Election Office and Wyandotte County election information is available at Wyandotte County Election Office. For those who live elsewhere in Kansas, information is available at Vote Kansas.

For help planning your bus ride, call 816-221-0660 and provide the starting address and the address of your polling place. Customers can also plan a trip with Google Transit trip planner, available on the home page of

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