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Trek to Prairie Festival for weekend fun

If you want to learn about agricultural innovations and taste the world’s first perennial grain, head to Salina, KS for the 40th annual, three-day Prairie Festival at The Land Institute.

Since 1979, the festival has drawn thousands from around the world who are interested in the sustainable agriculture research being done at The Land Institute. The New York Times has called the festival an “intellectual hootenanny.” This year’s event will be held from Friday, September 28 to Sunday, September 20 at The Land Institute, 2440 East Water Well Road, Salina, KS.

Through research and field trials, The Land Institute is developing perennial crops based on prairie plants, with a yield comparable to that from annual crops. This year’s presenters include: Loka Ashwood, assistant professor of agricultural economics at Auburn University; Mary Berry, The Berry Center executive director and daughter of Wendell and Tanya Berry; David Bollier, activist, scholar and blogger who is focused on the commons as a new paradigm; Liz Carlisle, a lecturer in the School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University; and Taylor Keen, a faculty member of Creighton Native American Studies program at Creighton University.

This annual meeting of the eco-social-agricultural activists takes place on the land in amphitheaters, barns, meeting rooms and camp grounds. Registration ranges from $10 for students to $60 for non-members for the weekend of events. To register, go to Prairie Festival 2018 registration.

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