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What’s up with urban coyotes and foxes?

Coyotes and foxes are common urban residents across the U.S. When they are close to home, what can you do to protect your household and how can you help?

The Johnson County Extension Office is hosting a series of free classes with wildlife specialist Drew Ricketts. Ricketts will share helpful information on urban coyotes and foxes.

Urban Coyotes: What To Do if You See One

On Wednesday, August 9 from 6 – 7:30 p.m., the series will feature a discussion on urban coyotes.

Ricketts share how to keep yourself and your pets safe while discouraging coyotes from sticking around.

Urban Foxes: Friends or Foes?

On Wednesday, August 23 from 6 – 7:30 p.m., the series will focus on urban foxes.

Ricketts, will share how these animals have adapted to living in busy areas and what to do when you see one that looks sick.

Both events will be held at at the Johnson County Extension Office, 11811 S. Sunset Dr., Olathe, KS.

To learn more and register for these events, visit


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11 months ago

We have a small coyote group, in our area. We see them in the open occasionally. Once they spot us they run into the small wooded area. So far, not a nuisance, except when sirens come on.