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Encourage students to walk to school

Schools across the country will help students skip the car or bus ride and walk or bike to school for International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 2.

Events are planned across the country to encourage students, schools and neighborhoods to join the citywide effort. Schools can participate with walking school buses, assemblies and rallies, mileage clubs, traffic safety lessons and curricula, bike trains and Walking Wednesdays.

Walking and biking to school has been shown to incorporate physical activity into daily routines, improve children’s health and increase student’s attention spans in the classroom.

The Mid-America Regional Council and BikeWalkKC organize the annual Walk to School Day in the Kansas City metro area. Organizers will provide technical assistance, advice and publicity to participating schools. To sign up, see participating schools and get more information, visit Walk to School KC.

To find an event in cities across the country, visit Walk to School.



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