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Plant 2 free trees & cut home energy costs

Residents of Kansas City, MO can get two free trees through an Energy-Saving Trees partnership designed to help homeowners reduce their electricity costs during hot summer months.

The program began this summer for select zip codes, but is now open to all KCMO residents until supplies last.

Bridging the Gap (BTG), Evergy (Kansas City Power & Light), the U.S. Forest Service, and Arbor Day Foundation are partners in the Energy-Saving Trees program. Trees planted to shade a house can reduce summer energy bills by up to 20 percent and provide tangible benefits for the community by improving air quality, reducing urban heat-island effect and absorbing CO2.

Available trees include: American sycamore, baldcypress, bur oak, Kentucky coffee tree and northern red oak. To reserve trees, go to Energy Saving Trees.

Photo: Marilylle Soveran / CC

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