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Learn how to grow Food Not Lawns

Instead of once again reviving your lawn this fall, learn how to replace the turf with an edible garden at a Food Not Lawns class in Kansas City or Lawrence.

Fall is the best time to replace your lawn and get it ready for spring planting. The Food Not Lawns classes teach ecologically sound methods of creating edible landscaping and forest gardens. Here are three upcoming area classes:

Kansas City Food Not Lawns

Wednesdays, October 26 & November 2, 7- 9 p.m.

UMKC School of Medicine, Theatre C, 2411 Holmes Street, Kansas City, MO

In this two-session class, participants will learn about lawn eradication, permaculture and edible landscapes. The instructor is Steve Mann from Kansas City Permaculture Education, Extension and Research (KCPEER). The class fee is $14, plus $5 for materials. Register at UMKC Communiversity for course #2314-A. For more information, go to Food Not Lawns or contact


Lawrence Food Not Lawns

Friday, November 11, 7 – 9 p.m.

1525-A W. 6th St. (DCCDA office), Lawrence KS

This is an introductory class for the following workshop, covering Food Not Lawns principles, permaculture design and the goals of edible landscapes. The instructors are Michael Almon of Forest Floor Permaculture on “Designing for Urban Food Growing,” Steve Mann of Prairie EcoSystems Management on “Lawn Eradication 101,” and Steve Moring of Kaw Permaculture Inc. on “Urban Scale Plants, Guilds and Succession.” The cost is $15. To register, go to Lawn Eradication Event.


Lawrence Food Not Lawns Workshop

Saturday, November 19, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Rain date: Sunday, November 20, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

3104 Trail Road, Lawrence KS

This suburban lawn eradication workshop will be the first in a series of Lawrence Food Not Lawns hands-on workshops to help homeowners get their front yard food garden started. This free, one-day crop mob will teach how to start growing an edible yard by helping a homeowner eradicate turf grass and jump start a front yard food garden. It will begin a cycle of mutual aid workshops at the homes of those who would like to participate. For more information, go Intro to Lawn Eradication.

Photo: Keith Ewing // CC BY


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