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Local leaders call for immediate climate mobilization

The Sustainable Sanctuary Coalition and Village Presbyterian Church Environmental Action Committee are hosting Climate Mobilization: A case for immediate action on the science, impacts and mitigation strategies for the climate crisis.

The speakers include:

  • John Fish Kurmann, the lead coordinator of 350KC and a grassroots activist and teacher working on culture change, climate and energy, consumption and population, and food and farming for more for more than 22 years.
  • Josh King, a sociologist, activist and musician who has worked in the nonprofit sector for the past decade and serves as chair of the Kansas City Climate Coalition and the operations administrator for The Climate Mobilization. His research focuses on how economic ideologies and belief systems impact environmental action and what motivates individuals to engage in the climate crisis.
  • Craig Wolfe, president of the Heartland Renewable Energy Society, communications director of the Kansas Sierra Club, recent graduate of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project training. He is a singer/song writer with the musical group Soular, which performs songs on the Earth and the climate crisis.

This free event will be held from 7- 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 25 at Village Presbyterian Church, 6641 Mission, Prairie Village, KS, Room 127. To register, contact Jerry Rees, 913-568-4250. Walk-ins are welcome. The event is co-sponsored by the Kansas City Climate Coalition.


Photo: Beth Scupham // CC BY


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