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Looking for places to donate reusable items?

When you’re ready to start decluttering, connect with Re.Use.Full, a new free service that will help you find the best places to donate your reusable clothes, electronics, home decor, tools, toys and much more.

Re.Use.Full is an online service that will connect you with non-profit organizations that can use your reusable appliances, arts & craft supplies, baby items, bicycles, boats, books, building materials, clothing, electronics, furniture, gardening equipment, home décor, hygiene products, kitchenware, linens, medical supplies, musical instruments, office supplies, pet gear, school supplies, sports equipment, tools, toys and vehicles.

Leslie Scott, program coordinator for KC Digital Drive’s internet access support program, started Re.Use.Full last fall because she saw the need. She said she was constantly fielding questions from friends looking for a new home for their still usable household items.

“They wanted to help a worthy organization, but didn’t know who could put their items to good use,” Scott said. “Because I work in the nonprofit sector, they figured I would be able to refer them to some places to donate. I knew I didn’t know all of the nonprofits that might need them, though.”

Nearly one in five people throw reusable goods in the trash, according to a 2018 State of Reuse Report from Savers. Every year 26 billion pounds of clothing and textiles go to landfills even though 95 percent of it could be reused or recycled. It’s not just the landfill waste that is bad for the environment. For instance, it can take up to 700 gallons of water to make one new cotton t-shirt—more water than the average person drinks in five years—and more than 1,800 gallons of water to make one new pair of jeans.

“Meanwhile, the evidence of climate change is mounting, and the alarm bells are going off,” Scott said. “We need to do something about our throwaway culture, and we need to do it now.”

As Scott considered the additional financial stress that non-profits were experiencing during the pandemic, she decided the timing was right to launch a concept she has been considering for several years. She is now in the initial planning process for expansion into other markets.

“Giving used clothing and household goods a second life not only provides much needed funding for charities, it also reduces the demand for new products, thus saving precious natural resources and lowering our carbon footprint,” she said.

Charity partners can create their own free listing and indicate items they will accept. Currently, 35 Kansas City area charity partners have created listings. They range from small organizations to well-known nonprofit brands like Goodwill and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Re.Use.Full is a fiscally sponsored project of KC Digital Drive. To learn more and search donation options, go to Re.Use.Full. For information on including charities beyond the Kansas City metro area, contact Leslie Scott at

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