Fall is a great time to plant natives in the garden that will attract butterflies, pollinators and wildlife. For locally grown plants, check out the Grassland Heritage Foundation (GHF) Fall Native Plant Sale on September 14 and 21.
All plants are grown in Kansas and are guaranteed to be free of neonicotinoid insecticides, which can harm bees and other pollinators
The sale will be held from 4 – 6:30 p.m. on both Thursdays at the Cottin’s Farmers Market behind Cottin’s Hardware and Rental, 1832 Massachusetts in Lawrence, KS. Plants are $4 each.
Native Plants are beautiful, easy to grow, and they are food factories for local wildlife. Almost all native insects, including most butterflies and other pollinators, depend on native plants for food.
“By finding ways to incorporate native plants and wildflowers into home and business landscapes, we can help increase and sustain healthy pollinator levels and feed the wildlife all around us,” said Kim Bellemere, GHF membership and education coordinator.
For more information about GHF, prairie preservation or the plant sale, visit Grassland Heritage Foundation, email grasslandheritage@gmail.com or call 785-840-8104.