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Save energy costs with Time of Use Plan

Evergy customers can save on electric energy costs and access more renewable energy with a new Time of Use Plan that encourages shifting energy use to non-peak times.

The new plan is optional and encourages customers to shift their electricity usage away from Evergy’s peak time of 4-8 p.m. to later in the evening, early morning or weekends. Evergy has a strong wind portfolio, which is mostly generated at night. So, customers shifting their usage from peak times to night hours helps Evergy utilize more renewable energy.

The plan also has advantages for electric vehicle (EV) drivers who charge their vehicles at night. By charging overnight, they can get a cheaper rate for ‘fuel,’ about $.04-.05 per kWh, and they can charge using more renewable resources. The pilot plan is currently not available for customers with solar installations, but could be included in the future.

To estimate how much a Time of Use Plan would save using a customer’s actual 12-month customer history, Evergy offers a customer rate comparison tool at Evergy Rate Comparison. The savings doesn’t account for a customer’s change in behavior, which could change the energy savings.

Find more information at Evergy Time of Use Plan.

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