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See how CO2 emissions dropped by 17 percent

With more people staying at home to avoid the COVID-19 pandemic, CO2 emissions dropped 17 percent during the peak shutdown in early April, according to a study published by the science journal, Nature Climate Change.

The report shows nearly an eight percent reduction in emissions globally this year during unprecedented stay-at-home orders worldwide. The study tracked emissions on a daily basis across 69 countries and by state in the U.S. as people either lost their jobs or worked from home, and travel came to a standstill.

The study showed that the world is on track for the biggest emissions drop since World War II, or maybe even the biggest drop in history. During peak global lockdowns in early April, average daily emissions dropped by 17 percent compared to the 2019 average, hitting their lowest point since 2006, according to the study.

View the report at Nature Climate Change.

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pam Koppen
pam Koppen
4 years ago

Yes, good news on emissions dropping during COVID 19 but there are trade offs…what about all the extra plastic bags being used in grocery stores now because we cannot bring in our own reusable bags?

Peter Stauffacher
4 years ago

Yepl. Thanks Pam. We must work at permanent, creative, visionary, self-sacrificing Shifts of our Life-styles… it Can be enRiching if we have the right Leadership and community support!