Ozone pollution is formed when emissions from vehicles, lawn and garden equipment and other sources react in heat and sunlight. Other environmental factors, like warm, sunny, dry days, can increase the likelihood of poor air quality.

Ozone Alert Days usually occur between March 1 and October 31. Through the Mid-America Regional Council’s (MARC) Air Quality Program, AirQKC, you can sign up to receive ozone alerts via email and social media.

MARC advises you to take these steps to protect your health and reduce pollution.

Protect your health
  • Reduce or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities. Ozone pollution can cause wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. Reduce outdoor activities or schedule them before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m.
  • If you have breathing or heart problems, keep medicines close by, and check on others who may have similar conditions. People with health problems may be more affected by ozone pollution than others.
Reduce pollution
  • Carpool, bike or use public transit. The Ride KC bus and Ride KC Streetcar routes are free.
  • Avoid mowing or using other gas-powered garden equipment. In one hour, a gas-powered push mower emits as much pollution as driving a newer car 140 miles.
  • Avoid refueling your car. If you must refuel, wait until after 7 p.m. This allows fumes to dissipate overnight, making it less likely that they will contribute to ozone pollution the following day.

Find more information and ways we can reduce air pollution at airqkc.org.