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Turn off the office lights for Daylight Hour

Join a global movement to raise awareness about using natural daylight at work, and turn off your lights June 17 for one hour from noon to 1 p.m.

Daylight Hour is a project of Building Energy Exchange, a non-profit organization that supports the building industry through energy and lighting efficiency education and research. Its mission is to raise awareness about how simple actions – done in mass – can have a big environmental impact.

This year, the city of Kansas City, MO is a partner in Daylight Hour, along with the city offices of New York, NY; Rochester, NY: Houston, TX; Los Angeles, CA; Baltimore, MD and Vancouver, Canada. Last year, more than 200 organizations participated reaching nearly 6 million people on social media in 14 countries. Participants include building owners, schools and government offices.

The Greenability office will be turning off lights on June 17. Let us know if your office is participating by commenting here, or using #daylighthour on social media. Sign up at

Photo: Joe St. Pierre // CC BY


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8 years ago

This is problematic when working in a basement office with no natural light. We do turn off the lights at 5 when we go home.

Bridging The Gap
8 years ago

The Bridging The Gap office is participating!

8 years ago

The Community Education office at MCC-Longview is participating!