Learn how to feed your kitchen fruit and vegetable waste to a bin of worms, and get rewarded with rich, organic compost for your garden.
Powell Gardens will show you how to use red wiggler worms to create vermicompost for your plants and garden at Vermicomposting: The Dirt on Worms on January 24. During the class, attendees will assemble a worm bin complete with a starter kit and receive the instructions on caring for it.

Photo by Kyle Spradley / CC BY
After consuming the compost, the worm’s digestive system kills all pathogenic bacteria and the worms release casts full of micro-organisms necessary for plant growth. Vermicompost can be lightly tilled into the topsoil, or it can be used to make “compost tea,” a liquid fertilizer rich in nutrients for plants in all stages of life.
In April, Powell Gardens is also hosting a composting workshop for kids – Worms for Supper? Vermicomposting for Kids. Learn more here.
The first event will be held 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 24 at Powell Gardens, 1609 NW US Hwy 50, Kingsville, MO. Cost is $39/person and $32/member. For more information, visit www.powellgardens.com.
Top Image: Compost Bucket – licensed under CC By 2.0.