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New mattress recycling facility diverts waste, creates jobs

Working to break the cycle of poverty in greater Kansas City, Avenue of Life is partnering with the Mid-America Regional Council Solid Waste Management District to recycle mattresses and supply jobs to individuals with barriers to employment.

Avenue of Life is an organizations whose mission is to “mobilize our community to equip and empower low-income individuals and families to be self-sustained and independent.”

The grand opening for Avenue of Life’s new mattress recycling facility will be held on Nov., 14, 12 – 2 p.m., 5117 E. 31st St., Kansas City, MO.

Mattress recycling will create new jobs while protecting the environment. Employees deconstruct mattresses to be recycled, diverting waste from landfills, and selling the salvaged materials to be reused in the manufacturing of new products.

The facility will also offer business training, apprenticeships, job fairs and additional employment-fostering resources.

Mattresses and box springs can be picked up for a donation of $10 each, or they can be dropped them off for $5.

The ribbon cutting be Nov., 14 from 12 – 2 p.m., 5117 E. 31st St., Kansas City, MO. RSVP appreciated to Nadja Karpilow, For more information, visit Avenue of Life.

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Brooke wangwe
Brooke wangwe
10 years ago

Wow, I would so need this right about now. I would like more information to get rid of box spring and mattress of my daughters

10 years ago
Reply to  Brooke wangwe

Hi Brooke. Thanks for asking! According to MARC, there are a handful of facilities that are currently recycling mattresses:

Avenue of Life — pick up and drop off.
Courtney Ridge Landfill — drop-off only.
Excelsior Springs Recycling Center – drop-off only
Lee’s Summit Resource Recovery Park — drop-off only.
Sleepyhead Beds — pick up only.

You can learn more about these services on the MARC blog:

Avenue of Life collects mattresses from all of the listed locations.

If you would like Avenue of Life to pick your mattress, you can sign up on its website here: