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Find local stores on ShopLocalKC map

If you’re going to shop on Black Friday and beyond, skip the big-box stores and shift to a calmer day by shopping at local businesses you’ll find on the ShopLocalKC map.

Forty-eight percent of the dollars spent at local, independent shops stay in the local economy, compared to 14 percent of purchases made at chain stores, according to KC Source Link, the sponsor of ShopLocalKC. If just 10 percent of people shifted their spending from chains to local businesses, it could bring an additional $235-million per year to that community’s economy.

Locally owned businesses also can be more environmentally friendly by purchasing from local suppliers that require less transportation. They are generally located in the middle of the city, instead of the fringe, which generally means they contribute less to sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution.

The ShopLocalKC map includes businesses ranging from bike shops and bakeries to photography studios and toy stores. It offers a search feature that helps users look for a specific type of business and narrow it down to the closest location.


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